The Vujà Dé Is Ready To Be A Star


The Vujà Dé is a singer/songwriter born and raised in Dallas, TX creating a name for himself. The Vujà Dé’s first project “Dive In” was a beautiful blend of alternative/r&b/funk, but he wanted to give things a twist for album two. After producing and writing songs for other artists, he decided to take the influence from those sounds and incorporate it into his own music. Recently, The Vujà Dé released his second album titled “All My Reasons”, which was entirely produced, mixed, and mastered by himself. The leading single “Bad” wasn’t originally for this project, In fact originally it was apart of a beat pack he was sending out to artists. When it got no bites he decided to throw some vocals on it and give it a new vibe. Check out what The Vujà Dé had to say in his interview below.

Although you might not be at your final destination and where you truly see yourself. Your work ethic is undeniable. Do you have any wisdom or advice to give to your peers or those that are looking to take the same route as you? 

Being self-sufficient is everything nowadays. Learn how to produce yourself, learn how to mix and master. Learn how to graphic design, learn how to edit videos. Try to do everything you can yourself until you find people who believe in your vision who are eager to help you. 

Thoughts on the music industry? Is it as cut throat as everyone says?

Yes and no. I’ve met a lot of cool, real people in the industry but there’s for sure the stereotypical smooth talking, snake types who are looking for ways to get something from you and don’t care if they screw you over or steal from you.

Do you want to sign somewhere eventually or do you see yourself taking the independent route for the long run?

I could see it going either way but I really like the idea of dropping music when I want to and owning 100% of it. I’d sign somewhere if it felt like family and I retained control but idk we’ll see!

What type of music did you grow up listening to?

pop-punk, ska, reggae, post hardcore, really anything you’d hear at warped tour. It wasn’t until I was about 20 where my musical tastes drastically changed and I started listening to more indie/r&b/chillwave/rap. I’ve actually been revisiting a lot of the early music I grew up on as of lately and those influences are creeping into the next project!

What is your favorite record that you have dropped to date? Not the fan favorite, your favorite. And why?

My song “Euphoria” from my first album. It’s a song about losing a close friend of mine to a drug problem. The feeling of the music and subject matter mesh really well imo and I still feel a slight OBE when I hear the chorus today. 

Social Media: @thevujade


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