Brand Building with Henry Aaron Westbrooks


Henry Aaron Westbrooks is a young man on a mission. At the young age of 27, he’s already at the helm of a successful podcast on wellness and self-development, a marketer, social media consultant, entrepreneur and independent musician.

With all that on his plate, we’ve no doubt his schedule must be hectic, but somehow, he still managed to find the time to answer a few questions for us and for that, we thank him.

We talked a little about his Health.Wealth.Show podcast, which centers around growing both your business and yourself. It’s targeted at entrepreneurs but can be enjoyed by pretty much anyone who wants to develop a business and understand the inner workings of this world. Most notably, the podcast featured an interview with Spanish actress Elena Cardone, wife of author and entrepreneur Grant Cardone.

The podcast is definitely a great way to get into the HAW universe, as Henry’s followers refer to it, but his expertise stretches far beyond that. He leads a super-successful business intent on helping you grow your online presence, sell more product, build your brand organically and essentially tell your story.

When asked which tools he keeps in the highest regard, Henry credits social media with playing a vital part in both his business and those he consults.

“Social media is very important. Your social media profile is basically a digital resume and showcase of who/what you represent. People and companies look at your profile and content to develop an overall opinion on the type of person/business you are, what you like, how you operate, reviews, validity, etc.”

With an Instagram following of over 50 thousand people, it would seem Henry really knows what he’s talking about here. If you scroll through his feed, it looks like he’s out there, leading a glamorous lifestyle and enjoying himself, but behind the scenes, Henry puts in hundreds of hours of dedication and work.

From the outside, HAW seems the picture of success, but when talking to him, we find him to be very down-to-earth and humble, eager to point out all the things he wishes he knew or did, and which he thinks would’ve taken him even further in life.

We asked Henry what were the most irksome and common misconceptions that people have about his business.

“The two biggest misconceptions about my industry and business are (1) people/clients tend to underestimate the cost/price of marketing to the masses/digitally growing a business. Advertising and PR is an investment. (2) people/clients tend to want results right away, when in reality this is not the type of service that provides “instant gratification”. People have to be patient and trust the process. Everything cannot just happen overnight.”

One regret that Henry names is wasting a lot of time in his youth with people who were not driven and were not going anywhere.

“I wish I would have spent more time doing the learning and developing high income producing skills/activities, networking, and investing sooner,”

Though for someone with an immense Instagram following and a very successful business before his 30th birthday, we think he’s doing quite well. But he does advise any youngsters out there looking to better themselves and with hopes of growing a business to read a lot and devote time and attention to their personal growth, so that they can find their purpose.

“Our planet operates on the premises of universal laws such as attraction, polarity, energy, etc. Tap into the source of all creation and higher power.”




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