Nehal Khan Explains How He Helped Small Businesses to Grow


The online world can be viscous at the best of times.  When you are a small business, you know this better than many.  When looking for tips on how to make the most out of your online presence as a small business, something as straight-forward as data science can make all of the difference.

What is data science?

Simply put, data science is the study of analytics and other mathematical data and criteria to help understand where a small business is ranking, and what they need to change in order to help it rank better.  Not just anyone is able to understand what data to look at or to interpret it.  That’s what makes professionally trained experts in ITE so important — just like the world-recognized Nehal Khan.

How has Khan helped small businesses?

Starting out on his own after leaving his role as a digital marketing executive after 12 years, Khan helps small businesses find success (no matter where in the world they are) using the same tips that helped him gain the footprint and momentum that he earned for himself.  In essence, Khan’s success is what offers other small businesses a chance and also helps prove that it is possible when you use the right tips.  The details are all in data science and its proper interpretation within the scope of a small business.

  • Key identification of demographics: Most are familiar with the idea of learning who your intended audience is, but making sure that you’re actually reaching your intended demographic is another story.  Proper identification of understanding your demographic reach, and how effective your marketing techniques are, is an important step to helping you reach success.  If your techniques aren’t working, changing your marketing tips, or, your intended audience will get you there.
  • Calculating the cost per client: While there is always some sort of loss in marketing, you shouldn’t be blowing your entire marketing budget to get one or two clients,  While larger fish will require larger amounts of bait, a specialists can help you calculate the cost per client to ensure you aren’t over-spending on someone who isn’t bringing you the same income as someone else could.
  • Competitor research: This is another popular technique that most people understand.  However, the right experience in searching for the right details and information within the competition is going to help you understand more about it.  PRoper research can glean you information on what their cost per client is, what is the most popular item that they’re selling, and how you can use that to help earn yourself more sales and push your own popularity.  Think of it as a deep dive!

Data science and long-term success go hand in hand, especially for small businesses that have the odds stacked against them.  Nehal Khan uses techniques exactly like these to help bring success to over 700 customers, worldwide, with results that can help them find success within their niche market.  While data science may not be the only thing to focus on, it certainly deserves a nod of respect and the right consultation.


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