”A Boy From Small Village Kathor Of Gujarat Got Selected In World’s Largest Food Franchise.”


Mohmedsohel Asmal also known as Sohel Asmal, a 31 years old from Gujarat, India was promoted as a general manager in the one of the world’s largest food franchise at the age of 21. Currently residing in Canada with his wife Asma Sajee, he started his career as a cashier in a restaurant in 2011. He has keen interest in Vlogging and for that he have a full time plan as a YouTube vlogger.

Born in India, he belongs to a Muslim family from Surat City At the age of 14, he got selected in Surat district cricket team (under-14). Till his graduation, he represented his district team for four consecutive years under the category of under-14, under-16, under-19. His dream was to play for this country but due to some circumstances he was unable to do so. At the age of 21, the young boy moved to Canada as an immigrant to fulfill his dreams. He worked as a cashier in many restaurants but this was not the thing that he came for. His passion to do something out of the box made him decide to quit his job and start something fresh. So at the age of 29, he started his transport business.

At the age of 30 he met his Mystery Girl Asma,and without a delay he married her on 14th June 2019. They began their new life journey in City of Brampton, Ontario.

He always desired to be a good content creator for social media. In the year 2016 he started his YouTube channel to achieve this vlogging dream. He has since made many videos with famous YouTubers. He has a good amount of viewers and followers on his social media. He is very active on tiktok with his wife Asma in making comedy videos. People enjoy seeing them.


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