Young Entrepreneur Yash Gupta Launched His Debut Book at The Age of 21


Social media has become an important part of the life for many people today. The importance of social media has also increased in the fast-growing digital space. On the same topic, young entrepreneur Yash Gupta launched his debut book at the age of 21, entitled “Strategies Which All Young Entrepreneurs Must Follow“, which is available on Amazon.

Many people have been successful in creating their own identity on social media. Apart from these celebrities, there are many common people or social media influencers who are making a name for themselves.

Yash Gupta, CEO of Tambhveda Company said, as a career one can become an influencer, he just has to have the right knowledge about basic things.

“We saw that people get a little nervous about the word influencer, so I thought of writing a book on it,” says Gupta.

According to the latest data, by the beginning of 2020, the number of internet users will be more than 4.5 billion worldwide.

When asked how can one become an influencer, he replied,

“Influencers can be a person with zero knowledge, as long as they have a good understanding of the digital platform as well as some strategy, which I have outlined in my e-book.”

Big companies get these influencers to make positive posts about their products and in return gives them sponsorship payment for showcasing on their respective platforms.

The sponsorship amount of Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and blogs has increased in recent years. The earning of a social media influencer is determined by the number and fame of their followers / subscribers as well as the authenticity. Film stars and star cricketers are in high demand in India. Apart from these, there are many influencers who have become stars on social media.  No matter which platform you decide to use if you have an authentic following and can profoundly influence people to make purchases than you have great potential on becoming a social media influencer.



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