Top 5 Women Empowerment Books You Should Read


Being a woman in the workplace can be difficult. Women can put in ten times the effort to establish their value as opposed to their male counterparts. Additionally, gender discrimination in the form of unequal compensation between men and women persists to this day. Even well-known female actors have spoken out against the gap, pointing out that male co-stars are sometimes paid more for similar roles.

While society is gradually recognizing the worth of women, there is still a long way to go. Women are still not entirely accepted in senior leadership positions in the workplace.

If you are a woman suffering in a similar situation and want to succeed, we have a list of top 5 books from which you can draw inspiration. They will encourage you to see things from a fresh perspective.

  1. You Are a Badass- JEN SINCERO

This book will give you the push to start your journey to success. Sincero, a prominent success coach and best-selling author, has provided all the insights you need to implement your plan and achieve your goals. You can make your journey more enjoyable by including amusing anecdotes and simple workouts.

  1. Invisible Women- CAROLINE CRIADO PEREZ

Perez has adopted a unique stance in advocating for women’s rights. The narrative depicts a world designed for males that routinely discriminates against women. Perez reveals the growing gender disparity in quantitative disciplines such as science, health, building, and urban planning using reliable statistics and facts. Certain fields are automatically labeled ‘unsuitable’ for women. The points made in this book will shock your mind and make you reconsider everything.

  1. Why Brave Women Win- JILL BAUSCH

Jill Bausch strongly advocates for women’s empowerment and has supported  and led several positive initiatives. Her latest book, Why Brave Women Win, discusses some thought-provoking ideas. It includes innovative strategies for success, establishing winning habits, and becoming a leader by navigating through challenging timesandusing tough empathy for succcess. In her book, Bausch offers a fresh viewpoint to let women know they are just as deserving of this world as men.

  1. Daring Greatly- BRENÉ BROWN

Brown has published several books about women empowerment. She has adopted a unique approach in Daring Gently, encouraging women to utilize vulnerability as a strength. Brown contends that vulnerabilitycan bring out your best and engage you in meaningful connections and relationships.

  1. The Confidence Code- KATTY KAY & CLAIRE SHIPMAN

Some studies suggest that women have less confidence than men. Kay and Shipman have adopted a novel method to find a solution with true facts in this thought-provoking book.  Why do women lack self-assurance? What impact does it have? They inspire women to overcome self-doubts and become as confident as ever by interviewing experts and leaders.

The Bottom Line

Women have all the characteristics that contribute to the success; the key is applying them correctly. Reading these books will undoubtedly provide insights into becoming a great leader and succeeding in the workplace.


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