Ian Northmark Was So Timely When Starting A Wealth Management Career After The Recession


Starting a career based on financial literacy after the Great Recession of 2008 was not only timely but needful. Ian started his career in 2009 when everybody was suffering from the recession’s aftershocks. It was also when anyone in that line of career made substantial gains due to many people seeking that service. He immediately gained more knowledge and experience. By then, one thing was clear to him; most people were not educated on managing and investing their money.

Therefore, he knew that he was in the right career. By 28, Ian was earning up to $250,000 per year.  He worked for a corporation  and became one of the top new advisors in the industry. The following year, he became the manager of a global Fortune 100 company managing a team of advisors. In this role, he helped recruit and develop a team of advisors for the company. He worked for this company for 9 years until he felt that it was time to start his own firm. In February 2019, he started his firm in Beverly Hills, CA, called Northmark Wealth Management LLC. In his own company, he was able to interact with his clients personally.

Before his financial career, he served as active duty in the US Air Force. He was deployed to Iraq for one year and it was there that he earned one of the highest award given to an enlisted personnel.

Helping Others

His business is entirely anchored to helping people protect their wealth, maintain, and grow it. He says that most people in life struggle because at one point they had money but they did not know the best way to use it to their advantage. Therefore, they ended up doing the wrong things out of poor decisions. They are not financially educated on tools like insurance and how it can transfer wealth to the next generations.

Company Operations

Northmark Wealth Management LLC, promotes financial tools, investments tools and opportunities, and helps educate people on the best practices on what to do with their money and assets.

Advice to the start ups

He advises to the start ups that nothing comes easy. Therefore, no matter the turbulence, they should not look back. Colton passed through failures but at no point did he allow them to define him. He used the successes to build on and keep moving and growing. Allowing what happened yesterday to matter much more than the present is a sign of failure. He said that his mantra has been that the most important time is NOW.


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