Gillian Heidi: A Musical Journey Through Creation

Photo Credit: Jenn Curtis

It is quite a rare occurrence to find someone who is bold enough or determined enough to pursue their goals and their dreams in life. At any age. Far too often, we tend to identify the person we would like to be someday and lock it within ourselves, for fear of criticism or failure. And the older we get, the easier it is to lose sight of that dream. But not for all.

At only 16 years old, Gillian Heidi is definitely an artist to keep an eye on, and her R&B/pop sound is bound to make you obsessed, craving to hear more and more from her – trust us, it’s been known to happen!

Photo Credit: Jenn Curtis

Immediately, we were impressed by Gillian’s determination, at such a young age, to firmly grip the person she wants to be and follow through with her dreams. Having started writing music at only four years old, the creative part came naturally, though she does note an evident development and growth through constant exercise.

“Though I do think that some of my old music is pretty bad and cringy, I wouldn’t change a thing. Every step I’ve taken has helped me grow and evolve, especially with my songwriting. All of the mistakes that I’ve made have brought me to where I am today.”

We think it is exactly that “cringy” part that prevents so many people from ever following through with their dreams, the terror that they will make a mistake. But it is up to people like Gillian to see that it is only through our mistakes and our difficulties that we are ever truly able to become better people, as well as better artists.

Photo Credit: Jenn Curtis

With obvious influences such as Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and the Arctic Monkeys, Gillian is heavily bent on giving the world more than just a pretty sound. She talks to us about the common misconception that pop music lacks substance, and how she struggles and strives to change that.

“I think that a lot of people assume that pop music and its subsets tend to have lyrics that are devoid of meaning. Creating music that really means something is really important to me, and I always prioritize it. I am always trying to evolve and create something new and unique.”

The young artist regards creation as a continuous process, more than just a one-step sort of thing. She constantly talks about making music as a journey rather than a finite process, and while she focuses on growing and developing her style as she herself gathers more experience, Gillian also knows the importance of recognizing your own achievements. 

Photo Credit: Jenn Curtis

“I am finally able to create music that I really love, and I couldn’t be more proud. Live performance has also always been hard for me, so my first open mic was a pretty big deal,” she tells us, in the process of recording her first ever album. 

Lastly, Gillian understands the role of the modern artist, which often borders on entrepreneurship. She is active in social media and working hard to make a name for herself and build a loyal fan-base, both through her art but also her personality. 

If it is not evident already, we highly encourage you to check out this young lady’s powerful music.


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