Eren Legend Is A World Champion Athlete Business Man Full Of Many Traits


Eren Legend’s resume is quite impressive. Though being Canadian born, his name has traveled internationally. To call him a jack of all trades would be an understatement. Most known for his athleticism, he made a name for himself bodybuilding and even was named an IFBB PRO. But that’s just the start, Eren is multifaceted. He is also a very talented actor, a diligent trainer, and an accomplished fashion designer. Eren Legend is undoubtedly a well rounded powerhouse shooting for the stars. Stay in tune with Eren Legend via social media, but be sure check out what he had to say in our conversation below.

What was it like appearing on Television, GQ Magazine and the other notable accolades and press you have received so far? Do you feel accomplished or what is your mind state with everything?

It is always so exciting getting big published features or even appearing on Live Television! I use to get so excited but now I understand the value in the exposure it brings!

I simply enjoy it more now as I do my best to put my all into everything I do in hopes that my message resonates with even 1 person and impacts their life to change for the better!

I love knowing that my story can influence someone to command their very best self!

The GQ feature for example is something I only dreamed of and when I achieved it I was over the moon! I knew that I was sharing information that would change the lives of a lot of people so it was really endearing to get the backing of GQ to do that feature!

You seem to be a dedicated individual on your hustle. Was that something that was always instilled in you? Is it something you had to work on?

Before I knew who it was that I wanted to be and what my purpose was, I found it difficult to commit myself to projects!

I had to really do a lot of soul searching to find my identity, but once I was able to determine that, everything really started to fall into place!

Nothing worth having comes easy and if you are lucky enough to find something you are passionate about, it’s so fulfilling!

I never feel like I’m working because I love what I do and I will never commit my time to anything that I am not in love with within my life anymore.

The discipline I learned through becoming a World Champion and professional athlete truly set my work ethic on a trajectory that makes it hard for me to slow my momentum down!

I will always keep searching for new ways to challenge myself and my limits.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

I will continue training celebrities and the Legend Coaching modalities will be internationally recognized and appreciated!

I will have appeared in a big Blockbuster film and Legend Apparel will be one of the highest sought-after fashion brands recognized as revolutionary and leading in the fashion industry!

What are some of your business goals to close out the current year?

I would love to work with a Film Studio to train some Actors in Los Angeles!

I love working with Actors because they are very cognizant of their on-screen appearance!

I notice they are actually more committed and disciplined than some of the Pro Athletes I have worked with!

It would be my dream to either appear in a Marvel production or train a Superhero actor/actress to push their body to the max!

It’s always fun working with someone that is ALL IN and it’s even more fun to see them achieve something they never thought possible with my help!

What is the next step on your fitness journey? 

Currently, I have retired from doing IFBB Pro Fitness Competitions.

Although I enjoyed them in the past, they were quite selfish and it made it difficult for me to be more attentive to my clients and friends/family.

Since the pandemic I have lost 17lbs of muscle, I would love to push my limits to re-obtain my old physique back and continuing to see what my physical limits are in terms of improving my body!

I have made some big changes to my already clean diet and I am loving the progress I am seeing! I want to use my transformation to inspire others!

Instagram: @erenlegendifbbpro


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