All Over The Creative Spectrum – Just Call me Jessica!


Too often in our brand, we focus on speaking with business-oriented entrepreneurs, which we love, of course, but another thing we love and wish we got to do more of is speak to creative spirits. People in the arts sector are usually so full of ideas, creativity and overall, a lust for life that is impossible to find anywhere else.

Luckily, we got our fix this week, speaking with Jessica Bethel, a lovely soul, whose interests range from photography, to yoga, to books and wellness. We spoke to Jessica about social media, among other things.

“I will be honest; I didn’t think social media was important to my brand, specifically my photography. As an artist or creative, we are sensitive about our ish and that’s okay. In my case, I was too sensitive about my ish to the point I didn’t see the point in showcasing my work as often. Now, since being more intentional about sharing I see the benefits. The connections and conversations I’ve had the privilege of having with fellow creatives have helped me tremendously with my own work. I absolutely love the community aspect of it.”

photo by Jessica Bethel

We often talk about how beneficial social media can be to any businessperson and brand, but rarely get to consider that not everyone is inclined toward sharing, and speaking with someone who’s made the transition from social media shyness to embracing its benefits is really inspiring.

Another thing we were really interested in getting Jessica’s input on was the core values and attitude someone that is starting out should have, and what she would tell her younger self, if she could.

“Plenty! Having confidence in my work and using my resources are two of the biggest things I wish I did differently starting out.”

Confidence, unfortunately, is something that many would-be entrepreneurs lack. In today’s world, it is easy to start out and pursue a career that excites you, but it is just as easy to fail and many people are put off by that aspect. But, according to Jessica, they shouldn’t be.

photo by Jessica Bethel

Something that becomes apparent the more you speak to this wonderful lady is how much confidence she has now in the person and artist she has become. It really is the root of achieving anything worthwhile in life.

“Right now, in this season, my biggest accomplishment is hitting the goals I set out for myself this year and going forward.”

And you can only hit those goals by finding confidence and learning how to push forward, even when in doubt. Especially then.

Lastly, we asked Jessica if she had any parting advice for our readers and loved her answer.

“The best thing I can say is just do it. Just start that venture, it’s never too late. It doesn’t need to be perfected.”

As we expected, sitting down to talk to a wonderfully creative spirit like Jessica was both enlightening and refreshing and we are incredibly grateful to her for taking the time.


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