A Lesson in Marketing with Pro Hannah Nieves


Marketing is one of those elusive gray areas that many of us have heard about, yet few actually know how to handle. Like, what exactly does marketing entail? Many people who are not in this field are completely unaware of the many hardships (and opportunities) that arise when working in marketing.

And even those who do understand marketing, the old pros, tend to have a rusty approach to it. They mistakenly assume that what used to work ten years ago will work now, which is not really true. Marketing is ever changing, which is why it can be so difficult to keep up with it.

One person who’s doing a remarkable job of this, however, is New York-based Marketing Consultant Hannah Nieves. With years of experience at her back, Nieves has recently set out on a mentoring journey, hoping to help and inspire those who are just starting out in the business world.

“It’s easy to compare yourself to others in space and question your experience and skill set, but as long as you create more than you consume, you’ll be in a good place.” says hannah

photo by Diana Davis

This is one thing Hannah wishes she’d known when she started out in the business world, and it’s definitely one of the main pieces of advice she gives young marketers today.

From the way she speaks, there is something compelling about Hannah, and it’s not just her nice voice. It’s the ambition and drive that is obvious in her every word. While she makes a point of underlining how difficult the marketing world is to navigate, she also makes it abundantly clear how much she enjoys what she does. And that’s truly the best inspiration one can offer a young marketer.

But when coaching young marketers and entrepreneurs, Hannah isn’t just about the mindset. On the contrary, she tries to combine general suggestions and encouragement with hands-on advice.

“Social media is such a powerful tool to build your community and audience. It’s a powerful tool to build long lasting relationships and a way to serve your audience with your knowledge and expertise — it’s a pivotal piece of my business.” says hannah

photo by Diana Davis

The reason why this quote stood out to us is that social media tends to be such an underrated marketing tool, even in today’s digital world. While many people in the business know a social media presence is a must-have, few truly understand what a make-or-break asset social media can be.

photo by Diana Davis

A good and enticing Twitter account can be worth its’ weight in gold, and Hannah makes sure to stress that both when working with luxury entrepreneurs and brands, and when mentoring young novices.

Ultimately, Hannah inspires through her levelheadedness and clear mind. She’s a businesswoman and a visionary herself, which perhaps is what makes it so easy for her to relate with her clients.

“Trust your gut and intuition, it will lead you in the right direction. And keep your eyes on the long term vision, and ask yourself does this decision or action move me closer to that vision?” says Hannah

… is both her advice and her life motto. And the reason it stuck with us is that it can be applied universally.

Follow Hannah Nieves Socially on Instagram @hannahmnieves



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