3 Exact Reasons Your Business and Agency Are Stuck Below $10k/Month


Growing a business to a 6 figure level is every entrepreneur’s goal. However, you may find yourself stuck while growing your business because of various problems. These problems are either symptomatic or not. As a result, the company fails.. Robert Charles is an innovative digital entrepreneur who helps entrepreneurs get unstuck from their problems. As a sought after consultant, he assists companies and agencies to become hyper profitable in 21 days. 

Robert is from Houston, Texas. He is the owner of Robert Charles Consulting LLC and his main goal is to help businesses profit greatly through digital marketing. Has helped many of his clients to become great entrepreneurs using online strategies to scale their different markets. Moreover, he teaches business people how to start an online agency and start making six figures. The following are the three exact reasons by Robert, why your business and agency are stuck below $10k per month.

  • Focusing On A Niche…Not A Service

Having a target market in your company or business is very important. It helps you to evolve powerful marketing communication strategies for the success of the business. Identifying a target market allows you to reach your customers with the products and services they need. The problem is you can ONLY sell your services to that target market. What happens if you pick the wrong one? What happens if they don’t want what you are offering? Business will be over before you know it.

Robert teaches to not focus on a niche, but a service. Provide the best facebook ad consulting. Build unbelievable websites that no one can match. Turn lookers into buyers immediately. He advises entrepreneurs to identify a target service that will allow them to focus on those customers’ needs and have the ability to sell that service to every single customer that comes their way.

  •  You Are Trying To Grow Via Organic Methods, Not Paid

Do you know that the 8/10 entrepreneurs try to grow their business for the entire first year by organic methods only, not paid. Robert truly believes that this number goes hand in hand with the fact that 9/10 businesses fail. If you do not want to fail, you need to market your business with paid traffic methods in addition to organic free ways. 

Do not start a business, try to change your life if you are not willing to invest in that process. That investment includes time and money. If you want to grow a business you’ve never been able to, you need to do things you’ve never done. 

  • You Are Completing The Jobs Yourself, Not Hiring Out

The number one goal of every new and growing entrepreneur is to get their first client. Once they get their first, they just want another and another and rightly so. The problem is they are doing the marketing, trying to grow the business, as well as complete the jobs and it’s just impractical to do all of that and also have a life.

Robert teaches entrepreneurs how to work on the business, not in the business. You are able to do that by hiring out virtual assistant professionals who complete the jobs you sell, which all you to keep selling, while they do the work.

In conclusion, for your company or business to grow above $10k/month, you have to transition from working in the business to on the business and the only scalable way to do that is with virtual assistants. 

Want to speak with Robert about how that looks in your business? Chat with him HERE!


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Sergio Centeno is the founder of Influencer Clout, he is a Digital Marketer that has worked with clients such as Jason Capital, Ryall Graber, Bedros Keuilian, Sharran Srivatsaa, and much more. He is a Public Relations & Personal Branding expert that helps entrepreneurs and influencers build ‘Authority Brands’ using online growth tactics such as creating massive brand awareness and credibility with strategic media placement and features on prestigious publications. For inquiries email sergio@influencerclout.com Links: https://www.instagram.com/imsergiocenteno/


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