Unocoolbro Drops New Visual “Break The Mold”

The Bedroom

Unocoolbro continues to show off his hardcore storytelling abilities in his latest visual for “Break The Mold.” The new visual is the latest release off of his 7-track EP titled ‘Continue Watching,’ Unocoolbro turns this video into a visual work of art, putting his rapping and screenwriting on full display with this being more of a short film that doubles as a music video.

The film takes us on a trip to present a really fascinating tale, using Unocoolbro’s melodious voice and rough sound.

The video for “Break the Mold” begins with Unocoolbro and his companion attempting to conceal a dead corpse. But when the intruder who broke into his house died, his difficulties just became worse. Unocoolbro’s girlfriend, the Beautiful (Toni Rochelle), smacks him with a rather insightful phrase.

We built this off of principle, not this petty street shit,” she says. 

She emphasizes that his actions have repercussions. Unocoolbro’s “Break the Mold” has us on the edge of our seats, wanting more and expecting more. He’s on his way to becoming exactly what we want to see.

As he prepares to release another series following “Break The Mold,” keep up with Unocoolbro on Instagram and Twitter, where he goes by the name @unocoolbro. Also, keep an eye out for his new EP, Continue Watching out now!



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