The Success Anatomy Of Marc Kleinman


Marc Kleinman has been a professional poker player for 17 years. He has played 3million hands on the internet and won every month for 12 years straight. Kleinman has played a total of 15k hours in casinos.


Kleinman’s work ethic is what makes him so different within the industry of other professional poker players. He has put long hours in throughout his life and plays 70-80hours a week if possible.

Standing Out In The Industry

Marc made a name for himself in the poker industry back in 2017 when he started making viral poker content. His content that had gone viral helped him get recognized and people were able to discover him easier. People quickly noticed his skills and became intrigued with his content. As he gained more followers and watchers, it allowed him to get more recognition and helped his other content go more viral. 

Avoiding a burnout day

Kleinman avoids a burnout day by going to the gym and sauna regularly, this really helps him cool off. 


Kleinman has had to face many obstacles when it comes to the poker industry. Most of these obstacles were due to him playing in poker games that had too many professionals. These games that had too many professionals made it very difficult for him and he had to figure out a way around them. Though it was very difficult at first, he did find a way around it. 


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