Mojobrookzz is Breaking the Internet!


Social media – is a world of opportunities and a challenging stage for comedians. They need to explore their own resources, polish their jokes in response to rapid-fire feedback, and transform the lines into laughter for the audience.  The style and scale of the comedian may vary from media to media, but the jokes remain the same.  Dyon Mojo Brooks, a 28-year-old comedian, has taken the internet by storm.  He utilizes the stage of social media to showcase his talent by performing video skits.  He also enhanced his performances with his new written jokes, which caught the audience’s attention.

Mojobrookzz started his career with a different approach; changing the lives of others through smiles and motivation to love. Thus, gaining popularity within five years and reaching more than 324 thousand followers on Instagram, 8 thousand Twitter fans, 340 thousand on Facebook, and 50 thousand on Snapchat. Mojo understands the versatility of the internet  as well as the stigma and feels the need to bring fun to the stage.

His jokes and video skits are well planned, but it is his impersonations that have made him a popular figure on social media.  Mojo gets great enjoyment out of his comedy skits and wants to pass that on to his audience by maintaining a style geared to making the day better for his viewers around the world.  Doing so has given him a unique opportunity to perform with celebrated musicians like DC Young Fly, Jess Hilarious, Michael Blackson, and more.  Mojobrookzz aims to continue his comedic profession and make a difference for people by giving them the enjoyment and laughter they desperately need.

One of the main drawbacks many comedians face while sharing their material on social media is the stealing of material by lesser comedians, but that isn’t a concern for Mojobrookzz.  With over 900 skits, Mojo pumps out the hits so fast and furious imitators can’t keep up.  The people love him and imposters are no match.

If you want to check out his videos and make a fresh start in your life, search “MojoBrookzz” on Instagram and “Dyon Brooks” on FB.


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