Meet Todd Franzen, The Resilient Entrepreneur Making Headlines


Growth is an individual or organization’s development from one productive state to a more productive one. The number of growing entrepreneurs in the world today is increasing daily. One individual, however, has grown beyond expectation, from posting signs of bicycle fixing to building a 20,000 sq. ft. warehouse. Todd Franzen did more than one project, working for global brands such as MacDonald’s, Dairy Queen, Wendy’s, and many more. All this he did in his early 20s. He quit drinking at 33 and signed a 1.2 million church remodeling deal. 

Achievement at a Young Age

2008 was his breakthrough, despite the market crash. His real estate business was doing better than imagined in a crashing economy. He is the first millionaire in his family, owns a restaurant, and has already experienced his 10Kweek. He has also achieved this by inspiring other people to 

The Pilgrimage

As an entrepreneur, challenges are expected, and Todd Franzen decided to become an entrepreneur when he realized he would not work. He had to figure out how to make money. The one piece of advice he always gives is choosing what you are good at and love doing. Something you do as a hobby, then use this hobby to make money. Loving life is his definition of success.


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