Keeping in Touch at a Distance – Talking with Gaelle Dreyfus


It is no secret that social media has come to impact any and every aspect of our lives, from the personal to the professional. And of course, many professionals have come to rely quite heavily on social media in these strange Covid-19 times. One such example is that of Gaelle Dreyfus, Miami real estate agent. In a recent interview, Dreyfus tells us social media is, for her, a way of life. 

“I am always online and by my phone, so if at any moment you have a question or need a friend, I am right at your fingertips!”

Dreyfus sees real estate as more than just a short-term acquisition. She sees it as a long-term investment, since a house isn’t just a place where you live. It is something that, in time, will grow in value and have the potential to make an important difference in your financial situation. But for her, real estate is not simply about the finances. It is also a way of life, since she actually enjoys matching people with the right home. 

Photo Credit: Gonzalo Casas de las Penas

“Real Estate is the biggest purchase you will make in your life, and it is helpful to have a professional helping you.  In addition to the legalities and procedures you do not know about, Real Estate agents guide you to make sure you have all the information you need to make the best decision.”

The best proof of that? At present, Gaelle Dreyfus is building her very own real estate portfolio. She actually quotes not doing so sooner as one of her greatest mistakes.

Photo Credit: Gonzalo Casas de las Penas

“I would have started building my portfolio as soon as possible.  I always thought about buying, but I always had an excuse of why I couldn’t.  If I could have done anything differently, I would have saved a bit more daily, towards a down payment, and began building my wealth in real estate, one house or condo at a time.”

Photo Credit: Gonzalo Casas de las Penas

As a big lover of different cultures, Dreyfus also uses social media on a personal level. Having amassed quite an impressive network that is spread out all over the globe, she uses social media to keep in touch with all of them. When she can tear herself away from her work with clients in the Miami area, Dreyfus loves traveling the world (of course, in as much as current restrictions allow). This, of course, adds to her charm and skill as a real estate agent, because it gives her a better, deeper understanding of various cultures. Dreyfus then uses this insight to observe and educate her clients on all the best and worst aspects of a property, thus helping them find the right house.

“I have a passion for helping people find their perfect home.  I streamline the home buying process so that it runs easy and smooth for you!  I provide information and educate you on the market, so that you are confident when selecting your home.”

Though the recent pandemic has hit everyone hard, Gaelle Dreyfus is definitely one of those people not letting the current situation affect her, or indeed, her thriving real estate career. Make sure to follow her journey on Instagram @forsalebygaelle and her official site


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