Jean Fallacara Released a New Book “Neuroscience Calisthenics: Hijack Your Body Clock” That Sheds Light on Neuroplasticity


With the emergence of new technology, the sports industry and especially athletics competition have taken a complete spiking rise of unexpected events. Imagine being offered a gift that will enable you to access all athletics training manuals to unlock more strength and extra power out of your performance. Better yet, position yourself to be a game-changer after getting an in-depth understanding of what athletics is all about. What if you realize the criteria that interplay between neurology and sports biomechanics, and be able to create strategies that can bear instantaneous results as an athlete? 

Well, all the information has authentically been detailed in Jean Fallacara’s new book, dubbed “Neuroscience Calisthenics: Hijack your Body Clock.” As he authors the book, Jean offers motivational stories about his life journey from being diagnosed with ADD (Attention Deficiency Disorder), particularly late in his life, that led to him having difficulty in concentrating, staying focused, impulsive decision, and lack of focus due to outside distraction were some of the symptoms he had to live daily. As he got empowered through other tougher situations throughout his life, he looked forward to helping others in the same situations. The books offer insights about calisthenics and neuroplasticity and how we can use exercise to strengthen your mind and much more.

A Sneak Peek At Jean Fallacara Bio

Jean Fallacara is a french-born athlete, biohacker, speaker, and the maverick CEO of Z-SCI Corporation- a multimillion-dollar enterprise that aims at producing laboratory equipment for the biomedical market. He is also the founder of Cyborggainz-a unique web application platform that offers a new approach to calisthenics training. Cyborggainz combines neuroscience to increase brain neuroplasticity, creates and strengthens motor pathways faster, making it easier and faster to master any skills. He actively participated in sports at a younger age having the dream to become a world record holder one day. He is actively involved in sports as a rock climber and speleology, then a ten-kilometer runner, and even played tennis and basketball. 

At around 19 years of age, Jean started Muay Thai and kickboxing and, by the age of 20, became the vice-champion of kickboxing in France. He later moved into skydiving, and as he grew older, he moved on to normal weight lifting. Three years ago, Jean switched to exclusively body weights workout and functional training to improve flexibility and strength. 

In his book, Jean elaborates on how calisthenics involves more than just body movements but requires immense focus, concentration, and strong mental power to produce phenomenal results. The book also touches on efficient movements’ biomechanics- you will learn how to leverage neuro-biomechanics to make any movement easier than before. Besides, you will understand the different available options to enhance key strength, power, hypertrophy, and how to do muscle endurance testing( What testing does is provide you with data that helps you make better decisions about your exercise plan and routine). 

The book also touches on the importance of focus and visualization, which is a catalyst for breaking the mental barrier and winning the internal fight. The author is interested in reading his book and importantly looking into passive over the knowledge that will enhance you to design effective strength and power development training tools that will enhance proper planning and execution to give better results. He offers a robust scientific method to provide a crucial part to completely empower an athlete.

Lastly, getting a proper guideline behind theoretical concepts from biohacking and neuroplasticity will help athletes achieve better and faster results. Neuroplasticity entails a trigger in the brain that is continually building muscles and altering neural pathways that correspond sequentially to the actions and behavior you perform and the environment that surrounds you. Having to repeat a particular action frequently will trigger your brain to start programming itself that way, and over time, creating a habitual trait naturally. On the other end, biohacking uses small hacks that are vital to supporting your diet and lifestyle change. 

It is time for athletes to free themselves from expensive, tedious, and vigorous exercise that requires most of their time, money, and strength instead of focusing on using neuroscience techniques to achieve even better results. Does this sound like you? Get in touch with Jean here.



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