How Barion McQueen is quickly becoming one of the most sought after business consultants


For those who are not familiar with him Barion McQueen is an all around serial entrepreneur. The owner of The Brand Castle, Real Estate Captured and the founder of Hip Hop Dose. Those are just a few of his companies which are continuing to thrive. Since the release of his book entitled “Why Won’t My Business Grow?: Steps to Sustainable Business Growth” Barion has been seen nationwide telling his story and guiding businesses on growth. In this article, Barion himself tells us how hard work, faith and consistency has helped him excel in business.

1. What started you into entrepreneurship?

I think that every great entrepreneur was a great employee at some point. When I look back at the companies that I’ve worked for I was able to learn alot very quickly and position myself as an asset to an business that I worked for. I would be a complete sponge and soak up as much knowledge as I could and also provide great insight on things that I felt would help the business be more efficient and thrive.

Photo by Raedicmedia

2. What was your first job?

Honestly, my first job was working at the grocery store Super G. I was actually the guy who had to round up all the carts. My job title was “parcel pick-up”. I had so much fun on that job. I was making about $8/hour and $9/hour on Sunday’s because that’s when the sales started. But I always got to keep my tips from helping all of the little old ladies with their groceries. I loved that job. Me and some of the other guys used to compete on who could bring the most carts in one trip. That was before all of these new automated gadgets now that push the carts for you.

3. From a consulting standpoint, what can a company expect when they hire you?

My goal when a client hires me is to get right to what is hindering the business from growing. So I have to be more knowledgeable about a lot of different situations because every business is different. Some business owners have high turnover rate with employees, some owners have too much overhead and no quality control, some people need better marketing. So my job is to come in and evaluate and then implement a strategy for growth.

Photo by Chris Headshots

4. How important is building a personal brand to you?

Building a personal brand to me is everything. If people like you as a person and trust you as an expert in your industry they will automatically gravitate to your businesses. I learned this strategy from being in the music business. That’s why I am dedicating more of my time to building my personal brand. So I appreciate every media outlet, press, etc. who ask to interview me and allow me to share my story.

5. What would you say contributed to your success thus far?

Not to sound too religious but alot of faith and trust in God that he would help me find my calling and the gift he already had in store for me. I didn’t start to see true success and growth until I just prayed and let God work. Sometimes we have a habit of getting in the way of our own blessings. So combine that with some hard work and consistency led me to where I am today. I moved to South Florida with a car full of sneakers, clothes, a tv and my computer. I had no clue what I was going to do when I got to Florida, but that wasn’t for me to figure out. I just had to step aside and let God work.

Photo by Lens Cook

6. What advice would you give to someone looking to be an entrepreneur and start their own business?

My advice would be to actually start. Stop talking about your plans and what you want to do and just do it. Also while you’re figuring it out don’t tell everyone your plans. Because everyone is not going to see your vision in the beginning and that’s alright. So instead of focusing on telling them all of your plans, just show them your results.

People can follow Barion McQueen’s journey at:

Official website:


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