Tech-Company Back Nine Soars To The Top Of Discussion In The Golfing World, As New Trends Are Arising

Hannes Rydell photo

Every successful entrepreneur has had to take their first step into the field. The huddles you have to overcome to start and succeed in a business venture are not few. One of them is trying to establish credibility. That is because at this point you do not have much to show. It is especially harder for young entrepreneurs. But every successful young entrepreneur has had to go through this, Hannes Rydell is one of them.

The 21 year old runs the SaaS company Back Nine. He runs this company with the same business idea he had for his first company. With Back Nine, Rydell has connected over 40 golf clubs from 2 in just one year. They also increased the company’s user base from around 1000 to over 15 000. His achievements have seen him get accepted into Business Sweden´s Leap Accelerator and Web Summit ALPHA startup-program.

But how did he get to this point at his age? In an interview, Rydell has revealed the keys to creating your own network of ultra-successful entrepreneurs as a young business owner.

Investors, Mentors, and Partnerships

When you start your entrepreneurial journey while still young, you may lack experience, money, connections and credibility. But that does not have to stop you from venturing into the business you want. 

You don’t really need to have all those resources yourself to succeed. Every successful entrepreneur can confirm this. You only need to find other people who have what you don’t have. They also have to be willing to give you access to some of their resources. If they are not, you can always convince them. You can achieve this by finding an investor, mentor or a partner. 

Investors are people ready to put their resources into your business or idea in return of a share of the profits you make. A mentor is a person or friend who may have more experience and knowledge in your field and is willing to guide you. You may build a relationship out of trust. Some people even offer free service in exchange for mentorship.

When it comes to partnership, you may find other people you share your interests to invest, share management and profits. “The hard part is to get that first-person onboard, when you have overcome that first step, the spiral will just keep going up and up.” Hannes Rydell.

Get a Successful Entrepreneur to Help You

Contrary to what many people might think, it is not hard to get a successful entrepreneur to help you with your business. There are countless entrepreneurs waiting for brilliant ideas to invest in.

If you have what it takes, your age will not stand in your way to success. You only have to find the right person to help you out.

Communicate the Right Things

Creating a network successfully is heavily dependent on how you communicate your ideas. You should be able to communicate the right things and display a high level of knowledge in the areas you’re talking about. If you do this other ultra-successful entrepreneurs will actually be amazed at how you are able to do it at such a young age. Your age will be on your side in this case. 

After getting them on board and starting to talk, you will now be in a position to know what they expect from you, how to present your ideas, and what type of numbers they need to see.

In conclusion, Hannes Rydell is focused on making a positive impact on the world. Because of this, he started a program called Startup Rocket Academy to help young entrepreneurs know how to position themselves in the right way. Creating your own network of ultra-successful entrepreneurs as a young business owner should not be so hard anymore.



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