From listening to blue oldies R&B to becoming the future of hip hop; A detailed look at the life of Blunt Da Blockmonsta (Travon Payne)


Nothing in life comes easy. Whoever writes this phrase knows the actual struggle, the rocky path that comes in your life when you strive for your dreams. It’s easy to dream, but it is hard to go after them or chase them. One can dream of becoming many things, but living all those dreams only comes around when you work for them.

One such example is Travon Payne or better known as Blunt Da Blockmonsta.

A little introduction about Travon Payne

Travon belongs toan African-American family and grewup in Los Angeles, California. R&B, blues, and oldies were his favorite genres to listen to during his childhood, and they inspired him to become a rapper. It doesn’t surprise that his grandfather Gwindon Murphy was a part of Motown, who released the single hit Pearl on “Funkaphonix Vol 5”.

Career as a rapper

Travon began his career at 21 in 2003 by forming a seven-person group,”Static Gang.” While in the group,he released five albums and three mixtapes. As a part of the band, he released Motivation Vol. 1, Motivation Vol. 2, and DJ Tokyo Goes Down Mix Tape, among other albums.He also releases singles like It’s on Like Donkey Kong, Mafia Madness, On Da Block, Reloaded, and 23 others. He left the band after sometime because he never received royalties for his work.


He decided to go solo and created his label, where he released his solo album

“DaBlockmonsta,” the single track of the album “No Help,” managed to become an instant hit. He’s recently received a lot of praise for his memorable and incredible tunes.


Future Ventures

Travon has completed his next upcoming album, “Dangerous Ridaz.” He plans to release this piece of creativity, which involves a new and improved music taste, in late 2022. While talking about his album, his words were;

This fantastic album will certainly earn great appreciation because of its excellent and unique melody.

As mentioned above, we have discussed why Travon decided to pursue his career in music and his career. The real reason is different. He wants to make society a better place through his efforts, music, and voluntary activities. Like every other artist, his creativity and talent also push him to think about the ongoing hurdles and problems faced by the masses living on earth. The reason for his thoughtfulness is that he has met a lot of obstacles in his life; however, he never backs down. But now, he wants to be the person he needs when he is stuck in the whirlwind of problems.

With this great aim, we believe that Travon will become the force to reckon with in the next few years.


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