Fenyx Blue: A Multifaceted Force in Literature and Education


Hello Digital Buzz Now readers, today we would explore the diverse talents and passions of Fenyx Blue, an international bestselling author, educator, mentor, and advocate. Her remarkable portfolio which spans various genres in the literary world has made Fenyx a multifaceted force in literature and education. We are so thrilled to highlight the impact of her works which deliver timeless lessons and captivate readers of all ages. Join us as we discuss Fenyx’s dedication to education and her excellence as an educator, which led to her being named her school district’s former “Those Who Excel” Teacher of the Year.

Congratulations on becoming an Amazon international #1 Best-Selling author! What can you share with our readers about your latest and upcoming books?

Fenyx: When The Secret Prayer of The Righteous Black Woman crossed over to other countries, the mothers who wrote the story and I celebrated together in our group chat. We were elated to reach mothers worldwide. It is with the same excitement that I wrote my newest book To Teach or Not To Teach: Volume 2 entitled The Classroom CEO. The book was written with fellow entrepreneurs to help educators and others who want to take a leap of faith and start their own businesses. My coauthors and I share our journeys from teacher to teacherpreneurs or entrepreneurs. Classroom CEO is the perfect book for an educator who is ready to strengthen his or her skills in the classroom and boardroom. Like The Secret Prayer of The Righteous Black Woman, it is a book for readers around the globe.

What is your process for crafting captivating stories across various genres?

Fenyx: Hook your reader with page one. I am able to write in multiple genres because I know that the key to a good book is writing for your audience. I am able to write poetry that will inspire my readers, children books that will teach the youth lessons, or fiction that will motivate reluctant readers to want to turn page after page because I always write with my reader in the forefront of my mind. I don’t write for me, I write for the reader. Each genre provides its own challenge, but figuring out how to meet the challenge is what makes writing a book so exciting. Writing is like fishing and I love providing something so scrumptious that my reader will desire to take a bite.

In addition to being an acclaimed author, you always wear many hats including Youtuber, speaker, ministry leader, mentor, and instructional coach. How do navigate all of these roles to the best of your ability?

Fenyx: Service is at the core of all of my passions so I am most successful when I dedicate my time strategically. I am an instructional coach 5 days a week so all other duties are built around my career. This looks like me speaking or presenting virtually. It looks like utilizing evenings and Sundays for ministry and mentoring. It requires calendars, notifications, backward design, and timeblocking to create content. When you are a multipassionate person created for purpose on purpose, you learn to use the time you have on the planet effectively. I schedule self care, family time, and do nothing time, too. Time is more valuable than money so I tend to spend mine on what matters most to me, those who I was created to serve, and those I love.

What are some other current projects/endeavors you have in the works?

Fenyx: I am working with a group of teachers and coaches to create a transformational educational program. I look forward to speaking at more educational conferences in the future to share my expertise, passion and solutions with other like-minded teachers, coaches, staff and administrators. I am continuing to create around topics that impact our youth such as bullying, financial literacy, and how to creatively teach boys. I hope to continue to pour into the next generation through providing scholarships to scholars who pursue authorship, education and entrepreneurship.

We salute your advocacy to the fight against bullying. What sparked this passion of yours?

Fenyx: I have always seen people who are overlooked by others. In high school, I was the kid who spoke to “those kids,” sat with “those kids,” and advocated for “those kids.” The passion for advocacy developed even more as an educator when my students started to confide in me about their depression, suicidal thoughts, self harm, and anxiety. I wanted to create a safe haven for them to discuss their troubles. I wanted to be their trusted adult. I wanted them to know that they were not alone. When I was in high school, students were teased on buses, in locker rooms, in hallways and in lunchrooms. When cyberbullying became prevalent, I realized that our students don’t get a break from bullying. Their phones are open doors that constantly let bullies in twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

What else would you like our readers to know about you and what are you most excited about for the rest of the year?

Fenyx: I love being a mother and an educator. These were two roles I pursued on purpose. I never aspired to be an entrepreneur. I aspired to help people. It wasn’t until I became an adult that I learned that good businesses provide solutions that help people. Each book that I have written was to educate, motivate, or entertain someone. I didn’t know each book would lead me to various opportunities. I’d like readers to know that I am most excited about the fact that unknown opportunities are always brewing for me. Reader, if you take a leap of faith toward your dreams, it is like you get a skeleton key and many doors begin to open. I wrote a poetry book and found myself on a stage for Juneteenth delivering a poem. I am excited to find out where The Blue Ink Movement will take me next. I wrote four young adult and children books and found myself at libraries, school events, and conferences facilitating workshops. I am excited to sign copies of To Teach or Not To Teach Volume 2: The Classroom CEO because I know that is just the beginning of the journey and there are no limits to where writing a book and starting a business can take you.

What are future aspirations within the literary world?

Fenyx: My readers have asked me to write a graphic novel series and they desire Book 3 in The Triplet Trilogy. I will certainly give them what they desire. I also desire to impact future writers and to inspire them to publish their books like Lorraine Hansberry and Langston Hughes did for me. I’d like to be acknowledged in the future for my positive contributions to the literary community like Maya Angelou or Jason Reynolds so that means I have a great deal of work to do to promote literacy, support libraries, share my creativity with the world, and collaborate with other writers. I hope an impactful, best-selling author will say they wrote a book because of me so I need to coach authors and share my publishing journey, too. I pray my books get into hands worldwide, hands that won’t just read, but will take action. 

To stay connected by following Fenyx @FenyxBlueInk across all social media platforms. Also, keep up todate by visiting http://fenyxblueink.com


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