Mike Hammontree has made the maxim “Trying is better than crying” his creed


Although the word “success” may mean a variety of things to different people in the business world, they all have the common goal of putting a monetary value on the efforts of an individual, a company, or even a nation. On the other hand, success may be seen as the act of accomplishing one’s objectives while acting within the parameters of one’s own life. The term “success” may also be used to describe the actualization of one’s intended outcomes or the very presence of the person or thing that brings about those outcomes. Since you always have to live on the edge, you never know whether any of your endeavors will be fruitful.

The patterns of behavior that we have formed throughout the course of our lives are the single most important factor in determining the outcomes of our lives. When we make the conscious decision to have a brighter outlook on life, we will notice an immediate lift in our disposition. We will learn that we do not have to idly wait around for good fortune to come our way if we just go out into the world and put in the effort to achieve our goals. Mike Hammontree madea choice to enter the digital world because he saw an opportunity to be successful in that space. Eventually, he established his own business, Slay Marketing, which is a social media advertising and influencer management organization. This agency helps its clients and their businesses, which may be as large as Fortune 500 companies or as small as a single-person operation.

Being successful is a heavenly gift

Those individuals who get the majority of their sense of self-worth from their money achievement, place in society, or public standing are missing the point. In order to consider oneself to have achieved success in life, an individual must be pleased with the choices they have made and the path their lives have chosen as a result of those choices. Because of this, it is common parlance to refer to achievements as “gifts from God.” To do anything important in this world, you are going to need to put in a lot of effort and also have a little good luck on your side.

The path that Mike’s professional life has taken is illustrative of the interaction between talent, doggedness, and good fortune. He started with nothing, but with hard work and perseverance, he made his way up to where he is today. Mike jumped at the chance to showcase his talents on Vine because he knew that the platform would be perfect for his short, charming videos. Vines were popular because they were different and didn’t need any time investment on the part of the viewer. Starting off, he and his cousins Josh Saenz and Ryan Fenwick used the app for entertainment purposes exclusively. One night, he and his cousins filmed a short film, and the next day, they started posting a new, funny movie online. After that, one of his videos became viral, resulting in 50,000 views and likes. Mike felt he had arrived and was eager to continue sharing his passion with an ever-expanding fan base.

In quick succession, he gained notoriety and started working with industry heavyweights, including Tanner Braungardt, Zeyad Zoromba, PashaTheBoss (Pasha Petkuns), Corey Scherer, Risk House, Alpha House, Brighton Sharbino, and Sawyer Sharbino.


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