Am sure that there is a decent amount of people agree with me, when I say that the thought of visiting the dental office can induce major feeling of horror!
Dental phobia is real! the smell, sounds and environment can make some people take a step back and go home as soon as they arrive the dental office! However, not if your dentist is Dr. Ali AlSaqoby! That nightmare feeling of a visit, could be one the best experiences you can have in a visiting the dentist.
How cool is it to have a highly competent dentist, professional athlete, social media influencer and last but not least a very gorgeous looking man fixing your teeth! Awesome!
Well, he is based on Kuwait! So unfortunately, this incredibly popular dentist is currently not available here! However, a trip to Kuwait for a dental checkup would not be such a bad idea! Although from Kuwait, his popularity had become global due to his unparalleled talents.
He went viral for his incredible soccer skills, he also went viral for his gorgeous good looks and ofcourse, he also went viral for his amazing personality and charisma! This makes Dr. Ali AlSaqoby exceptionally unique! Thus, became highly demanded for his attributes both from the brands and also the media!
He leads as an inspiration for his worldwide achievements beyond where he is from to be touching people all around the world, in motivating them to reach their goals. His inspiring personality has led me as an author to write multiple times about him!
The article will further explain why!
Soccer Freestyle Player!
Dr. Ali AlSaqoby is one of the first players that started soccer freestyle, and thus opened the door for new players to enter this new sport (soccer freestyle).
Soccer freestyle: Is the sport of doing skills with the soccer ball.
I am not an expert on soccer but his mind-blowing skills is something even someone such as myself can enjoy and acknowledge!
His talent in soccer skills allowed him to travel the world and perform in huge events in front of large crowds. One such: is Expo Milan that was a huge success where he got crowned as: one of the most influential characters of the expo, after managing to gather thousands of people to his performing spot. As seen in the following photo:
That’s in addition to his impressive participation in world championships to be ranking as one of the top. Soon his name became iconic to the sport, and thus locally he is in constant demand for tv interviews and newspaper articles!
Soccer Freestyle President!
Dr. Ali overall popularity, expertise and passion for the sport had qualified him to be part of the world soccer freestyle association, as if now. This consist of the talented man to be in charge of organizing events, workshops, shows and championships. Championships organized by him has always been acknowledged by the media as successful and appealing. Following his Instagram for a while, demonstrated his active role as an incredible soccer freestyle president, even during the pandemic.
Last year he organized the world famous Redbull Streestyle national championship. I was not a follower then! But it is pinned to his Instagram story in his profile! Check it out!

Social Media Influencer!
Dr. Ali AlSaqoby is very popular in social media, at one point he shared his story views to his snapchat story and it was an incredible hundreds of thousands. Yet, he still manages to remain humble, and constantly make his content universally understood respecting the fact that he is being followed by people all around the globe!
Ofcourse, you would think with the huge amount of things Dr. Ali is doing, is he even a practicing dentist? Well, I was wondering the same but this wonderboy, actually is! and doing a wonderful job according to his dental cases. Although, an exhausting job he finds time to be an awesome individual doing multiple things in the best shape and form. That what makes him unique and very inspiring
Dr. Ali, revealed that in his new book collection, he will be releasing a new book soon about soccer freestyle. Which am excited about! He mentioned that further details would be revealed soon according to his live story. So be sure to follow him.