Obvi Leads the Collagen Revolution


Obvi founders Ronak Shah, Ankit Patel and Ashvin Melwani are 3 entrepreneurs under 30 who are looking to revolutionize collagen, and they’re already well on their way. Founded in 2019, Obvi is a brightly colored collagen brand that offers products ranging from protein supplements for children to the world’s first vegan collagen booster to everything in between. 

Obvi is about more than just the products; it’s also about building a community. My Obvi, the brand’s online community, is quickly approaching 10,000 members, and soon it will be the largest group on Facebook that’s dedicated to collagen.

“We really thrive through the community of customers that helps other potential customers answer questions, support purchasing decisions or even just guide each other in the right way,” CEO Shah said in an interview with Magnet Monster Magazine. Obvi has now reached over 30,000 customers from all around the world, spreading the collagen revolution to over 75 countries. 

What exactly is the collagen revolution? 

For Shah, Patel and Melwani it’s about breaking stigmas around collagen and making way for more exciting, colorful, better-tasting products. According to Shah, Obvi strives to get rid of the idea not only that collagen can’t taste good, but also that it can only be used as a reactive supplement for people in their 30s and older. “Collagen is for anyone in their 20s and beyond. It can be used as a preventative supplement rather than a reactive supplement,Shah told bodybuilding.com. 

The Obvi team saw that there was a hole in the market for collagen products geared toward younger people and found that most of the products used dull branding and lacked flavor. They decided to take matters into their own hands in order to change this and started a millennial-centered line, choosing the apt name “Obvi” because their products would be the obvious choice. Obvi’s first product, Super Collagen Protein Powder, which launched in two flavors (Fruit Cereal and Cinnamon Cereal), sold out within 25 days. The rest, as they say, is history.

What’s next?

Today, Obvi has overseas operations in Canada and the Philippines, and they’ve also begun to work in Australia and New Zealand. But it’s still just the start for this fun flavor-focused brand. According to Shah, you can keep an eye out for gummies, ready-to-drink collagen, and a few new flavors. Obvi certainly is the obvious choice, and it looks like they’re here to stay.


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