Meet Kaye Bassey, a Los Angeles Based Beauty and Fashion Blogger

Kaye Bassey

Meet Kaye Bassey — an independent beauty blogger based in Los Angeles. Bassey started her blogging career to inspire women of all backgrounds to live a better life. She blogs about everything related to fashion, beauty, wellness and style.

Some examples of recent story topics include self care tips, achieving glowing skin, and a summer clothing haul. Having a diverse and unique background has helped Bassey be able to share her experiences and understand various perspectives from an early age.

Keep reading to learn more about Bassey and what motivates her.

Tell us about who you are and where you are from?

My name is Kaye Bassey. Just to give you a brief overview of my background – I am Nigerian, born in Canada and I was raised in different countries around Europe – including, Czech Republic and Germany. I know, quite a mix! One fun fact about me is that I speak fluent German.

How would you describe yourself in a few sentences?

I would describe myself as passionate, creative and ambitious person. It is very important to me to have a strong passion for the work that I do and for the people that I work with. Having a true passion for what I do helps my creativity to have a good flow. I really enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone – so anything that is challenging and requires creative solutions, gets me very excited! Big risks lead to big rewards and that is what I am after.

Tell us about your brand and why you created it?

I created my brand years ago with the intention to balance both of my passions- business and fashion. I wanted my blog to inspire women from a variety of different backgrounds to refine their personal beauty and style so that they can feel motivated to dress better, be better, do better and ultimately live an all around better life. Over the years, it began transforming into a business as I began to receive increasingly more business opportunities.

What do you enjoy most about being the founder of a beauty and fashion blog?

I love the direct connection that I have with my audience. It is a really nice feeling to be able to talk with my audience and help provide solutions and tips to them. I love to have dialogue and be able to share with people all around the world! Being that I grew up all around the world, it has also been very nice to actually come full circle and put both my passions to play for my career. I studied business and always incorporated fashion as a fun past time – it makes me glad that I really and truly enjoy what I do. It feels like I am not working from day to day anymore. I really enjoy what I do!

What are some things that you’ve accomplished that you’re proud of on your journey so far?

The thing that I am most proud of is that I always had the drive to keep going and not give up. A lot of people have that perception that success is linear; that couldn’t be further from the truth! In life and business there are so many ups and downs and things you can not control. So it is really nice that through all the challenges and time its takes to create a business that just started off of a fun hobby, that somehow I had the motivation to keep going. Besides that, I have been also really proud and excited that I have also been able to work with a lot of my favorite brands over the years.

What skills do you have that led you to be able to start your own blog?

I think the biggest one is just being able to be self-motivated. If there is a lack of self-motivation or the urge to be a self starter, truthfully, I think it would be really difficult to get the ball rolling. In the beginning of any business venture, you spend a lot of time giving; whether it be time, resources and finances … so somehow you have to find the motivation and drive to keep looking forward to the time that everything pays off. Besides that, it is really helpful that I actually love what I am doing and the continual need to have a creative outlet.

Do you have any role models or influences that have guided your journey?

For me, I would say my sister Coco Bassey, founder of Millennielle. We started our blogs around the same time so it has been really cool to be able to have someone to chat with about work who understands what the industry is like. Working closely together has really been amazing and influential to my career.

What words of advice would you have for aspiring young entrepreneurs?

My biggest word of advice is to enjoy the ride. There are lots of ups and downs, so you just must accept that it’ll feel like a rollercoaster ride. Enjoy the ride and realize that it’ll be a really big payoff once you get over the hump. Love what you do and treat people kindly!


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