Entrepreneur Ethics – A Lesson in Personal Growth with Tyler & Brandan Mercier


It is hard being a self-made man – but Brandan and Tyler Mercier seem to be doing it alright, which is why we invited them for a chat, to clue us in as to their working process. Being an entrepreneur is a long and difficult road, one that requires you to put in a lot of hours. 

Yet sitting at the help of a 6-figure reselling business, Boston Cooks, and having just launched their very own clothing brand, ANML Supply, these two must be doing something right.

According to the brothers, it is very much a mindset thing. That is what drives both themselves, and their clients. It is the thought of looking good that motivates you, that drives your initiative and empowers you, which is why they focus so heavily on creating good clothes to allow their customers to be the best they can be.

But what is the biggest difficulty in being your own boss?

“The hardest part of being an entrepreneur is definitely balancing your day. We both attend college full time, and often find ourselves staying up all night fulfilling orders and packaging our shipments.”

Many people don’t spare much thought on where their time goes and what they do with each day that is given to them, but these two brothers surely do, and it’s precisely this efficiency that has allowed them to go so far in life.

“Time is our most valuable currency, every morning we are given a choice when we wake up. To either be productive or wasteful with our time. We are given 86400 seconds each day. How do you spend your time every day? Time is money, the more you procrastinate on your ideas, the more your failing, investing your time wisely, and losing money and opportunities. We as entrepreneurs realize the power of execution and take action.”

One might assume, looking at them now, that it was all an easy ride for Tyler and Brandan, but of course that is so rarely the case. Indeed, the hardships endured are evident in the way they speak. But according to the two brothers, it “doesn’t matter where you start! All that matters is where you are headed and the amount of action you are willing to give your dreams and goals.”

One thing that Tyler and Brandan admit to regretting is not taking the time to invest in themselves in their youth, which is a really interesting one, as we have met a few entrepreneurs with similar life regrets. According to the two brothers, they can clearly see that if they had had the same mindset they do now when they started out (e.g. when they were 12-13), they would be even more successful today. But as they saw, wisdom comes with age, and we will leave you with this nugget of wisdom from the two (extraordinarily successful brothers, as well as an invitation to check out their clothing brand – ANML Supply).

“Create your life, don’t sit and watch others. Surround yourself with the right people, your net worth is worth your network. Is there a demand for what you are offering? Identify your “WHY”.”


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